Let's Get Your SEO Started

SEO for Doctors -
Grow Your Medical Practice Using a Solid SEO Strategy

The goal of any doctor’s website SEO is to attract patients who are looking for medical care. Implementing an SEO service that ultimately increases patient leads for doctors is the key to increasing online visibility.

If you want to attract more patients, improve your online reputation, or reduce marketing costs, your medical practice must be visible when prospects search for services similar to what you provide. SEO for doctors can help with this.

The majority of patients use the Internet to locate a local healthcare provider. Is your medical practice listed on the first page of Google search results for keywords related to your specialty? If you don’t, you’re throwing money away.

Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just a buzzword; it’s also no longer an option. It’s an essential component of any healthcare marketing strategy aimed at increasing qualified leads and revenue.

seo service for doctors sydney

Why do medical professionals and doctors need SEO?

According to research, 80 per cent of people use the internet for healthcare-related searches, such as finding a new doctor. Despite the fact that referrals play an important role in acquiring new patients, doctors still require a strong online presence. 

All of these statistics point to one thing: your potential patients are already online, and you should be as well.

Build Your Reputation

81% of patients will read online reviews of a doctor to whom they have been referred.

Dominate Organic Searches

In the previous year, 77 per cent of people aged 60 and up used the internet to find answers to health-related questions.

Establish Online Presence

63 per cent choose their healthcare provider solely on the basis of their online presence.

Gain Website Traffic & Visibility

45 per cent of patients prefer to request an appointment through the internet.

How to Create Your SEO for Doctors Strategy

Efficient SEO strategies should allow for growth to evolve with the ever-changing healthcare industry. Good SEO for doctors considers patient expectations while accounting for Google’s algorithm updates. Here are some SEO techniques to help grow your medical practice.

On-Page SEO Optimisation

Creating content for your website is important, but only if it is SEO-friendly and provides value to the reader. Web crawlers are used by search engine algorithms to determine whether your content is valuable enough to rank on the first page of search results.

By incorporating high-quality content into your existing website, an effective doctors website SEO service strategy will produce measurable results.

Relevant and Targeted Keywords

By selecting more relevant keywords, you increase your chances of obtaining more qualified leads. Choosing relevant keywords is trickier than it appears. You’d need to understand how your potential patients think. Selecting the most relevant keyword that a potential patient might use to find a doctor in your area will be the first step in SEO for your medical practice.

Local SEO and Google My Business

Local SEO for doctors must reach out to potential patients in their immediate vicinity and surrounding communities. A good local SEO strategy for doctors will increase your online visibility, making it easier for web users to find you. The number of Google ‘near me’ searches for doctors grows year after year, as more people use the internet to find doctors in their area.

You have no chance of ranking in the Local Pack if your Google My Business (GMB) page is weak. GMB contains all of the information about your practice that prospective patients would find useful.

This relevant information must be accessible to both web users and search engine bots. A solid strategy for local SEO plans for doctors will position your practice in a way that guarantees high visibility, resulting in more patient leads.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer feedback is always valuable, but it is especially so for doctors and other healthcare providers. According to a recent study, your practice’s reviews are now the most important SEO ranking factor.

Google considers your overall rating, number of reviews, and number of reviews that mention specific keywords (hopefully the ones you are trying to rank for). In Google’s eyes, reviews are a strong indicator of page rank, so make sure you have some on your website.

Website User Experience

Another important aspect of creating the best website as a doctor is web experience. You want the website for your practice to be well-designed, clean, and professional. User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) have an effect on SEO.

More than that, current and prospective patients may use your website to contact you, make appointments, and obtain other information.

This is done for aesthetics as well as SEO. Your site’s navigability, responsiveness, and ease of use all have an impact on SEO. You could have the best information from the world’s most authoritative expert, but if the font is too small or your site loads slowly, it will be difficult to rank well. As a result, you’ll want your website to be SEO-friendly.

Who needs SEO services?

To win in the search engine results pages, you don’t always need the most money or team members. Small, strategic changes can give you a competitive advantage. Anyone who wants to reach their target audience online needs to have a website that’s fully optimised to rank high on search engine results. Learn more about our customised SEO packages for every type of industry or business.

SEO for Professionals

We help freelancers, consultants, brokers, and professionals in different fields find leads or customers.

SEO for Businesses

We handle small local businesses to enterprise-level companies throughout Australia and Asia-Pacific.

SEO for Startups

With years of experience handling startups, we can help your startup dominate search results and rank #1-3 for industry keywords.

SEO for Law Firms & Lawyers

Let's build your website and help you rank on search engines. Find leads and potential clients through your website or search ads.

SEO for Doctors & Medical Practitioners

Let's make it easy for people to find you. Rank #1-3 for important search terms through proven SEO techniques.

SEO for Dentists and Dental Clinics

Reach customers in your area by improving your website's visibility on Google. Make it easy for patients to find you on local searches or Maps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Accordion Content

SEO for doctors is important because a majority of people use search engines when they’re looking for a new doctor, you can generate organic traffic from search engines without paying for ads and you can build authority online for your medical practice.

Not to mention, when you implement SEO for doctors, as a byproduct, your website will be of higher quality and, in turn, more trustworthy in the eyes of users.

You should see a growth in regular conversions, leads or enquiries coming from your website.

As soon as you reach the first page of search results for keywords related to your profession, you’ll see your website traffic slowly improve and more customers reaching out to you.

Our job is to deliver the results and to provide you with monthly reports of our progress and your website’s performance.

We offer three different packages for our SEO Sydney services. Depending on what you need, choose a package that works for you. Let us know your requirements, and we’ll send you a FREE quote.

As soon as you reach the first page of search results for keywords related to your business, you’ll see your website traffic slowly improve and more customers reaching out to you.

You should see a growth in regular conversions, leads or enquiries coming from your website in the first three months.

Our job is to deliver the results and to provide you with monthly reports of our progress and your website’s performance.